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Friday, December 30, 2011

The Best of (the Last Seven Months of) 2011

Technically, we have only been around since May 29, 2011.  That is when we started our facebook page.  Our blog came even later than that.

Wow, what a fun ride it has been so far.  We had NO IDEA Play at Home Mom would turn into such a great community and we are so grateful.  What is it all about for us?  Its about changing lives, helping families reconnect through play, helping parents "let go" a bit....play more, be present more, focus on the process more, say "YES" more, let children lead the way more, and ENJOY our children more.  Our gratification comes from that simple comment on our wall saying "thank you, I had so much fun with my child today", and even the long, heartfelt emails that we receive from time to time.  We are looking forward to 2012 with all of you, but for now, here are our favorite posts of 2011.  ENJOY!!

(PAHM introduces the world to the LIGHT panel)

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....and one more for good measure:
Courtesy of Rhythm of the Home

Thank you all for letting us into your homes, for being inspired, for being interested in child-guided play, and for opening your lives to us.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!



  1. Thank YOU. Whenever I need a fresh idea for my boys this is my first stop. Thank you for the reminders about the importance of child led play. It's what I believe,but it is easy to get caught up with life and forget.

  2. Thank-you for your blog!! It has given me so many cool ideas to do with my son that I would never have thought of. It has also taught me a lot in the process!My son and I thank you!:)

  3. I hadn't seen the bubble boy concept before so we had to give it a go today :) We just so happened to have 2 huge plastic bags from single bed mattresses (I knew they'd come in useful some day) so we taped them together and added a fan. With our bulldozer toddler we needed to make a slight adjustment to the entranceway by making a box tunnel to encourage them to crawl in and out. Complete win, two very happy children here and I'm going to inflict the idea on my toddlers and preschoolers at the child care centre I work at too :)

  4. Thank you! I love your blog. You have such great ideas for playtime.
