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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Water Bead Bath Surprise

The girls absolutely loved their water balloon bath with color tablets a few months ago.  For our original post click HERE.  

Tonight we decided to have some fun with water beads!  This was so much fun I wanted to jump in there with them!  My girls have a choice to take a bath together or separately.  I can't even remember the last time they took one together.  My 22M old heard my oldest laughing hysterically and came running in the bathroom. She couldn't wait to get in with her older sister!  

I took a bunch of balloons and filled some with just water and some with water beads and water.  I threw them in the bath and watched the fun!  :-)  

My oldest was so surprised when water beads popped out instead of color.  I wish I could have caught her facial expression.  

It was fun to squirt the water in your mouth, too.

And your sister's mouth.  She had pretty good aim!  


"Whoa... there is something in there!  It feels squishy.  Do you want to feel?"

"I think there is something in this one, too!!  I need to cut a bigger hole.  It's not coming out."

"Here they come!!!  It's more water beads!!!!"  
This was soooo fun.  She had cut little slits in the balloon.  When she squeezed it, the water beads came flying out!  

"Here it comes"

Water bead flying out!

My camera died after this shot.  

After they popped all the balloons they had fun finding them in the water.  Make sure you get them all and they don't go down the drain.  



  1. Where do you get your water beads?

  2. Yes, we had some go down the drain. Not cool.

  3. How fun!! Madre Reed, you can get them at craft stores, like Michael's and Jo-Ann.

  4. I worry about my waterbeads in the bathtub because they seem to be pretty combustable and break apart pretty easy so I worry the small peices will not strain out. I should probably get a net drain. I have a question - do you make it a point to have the kids help with clean up? Today I had to deal with a melt down because my 2 year old refused to help clean up the water beads that she dumped on the floor in her room :(

  5. so fun!!! i would love to try this, too. but i am also worried about the drain...i guess a mesh cover would work.

    i get my water beads at the dollar store.

  6. Love your posts. In fact I've been inspired and blogged about you in a recent post. I hope you'll be proud. Thanks for all the ideas you share to encourage other moms to spend quality time with their kids. It's so appreciated.


  7. THANK YOU, Kathy! Beautiful blog! (OH, and yes, we have done glow stick baths - http://playathomemom3.blogspot.com/2011/07/glow-sticks-thinking-outside-box_17.html )

    Oh so fun!

  8. Hello! Looks like such a fun bath! Just wanted you to know we are doing a lot of exploring with water beads, including a fantastic giveaway! We linked back to you in our latest post on how to have fun with these little treasures. Your blog has a lot of awesome ideas on how to use water beads, but we had received quite a few questions on bath time play.. so we picked this one to share. Check it out:

    Thanks for always inspiring! :)

  9. I bought some water beads from you guys on the 15th and was just curious when they would get here. I have no idea how to find tracking information on the site. Thanks!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love this idea, but like some of the other moms had a concern about the beads going down the drain, so.....I decided to use bath beads instead (the oil filled kind). They worked great and they just dissolve in the water. Just make sure to use cold water in the balloons with the beads and fill them at the last minute or no water at all because they melt fast. :)Thanks for the idea!
