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Friday, December 23, 2011


We have received so many stories of sorrow, loss, and struggles, we wish we could give more.  But together we finally narrowed it down to three families.  Now we need your help in the final decision.  Below are the three final families; we edited it some for confidentiality reasons.  Please EMAIL us your vote #1, #2, #3.


My friend, a US Navy veteran passed away at 27 years old.  He left behind a wife and the two most beautiful little girls I've ever seen who unfortunately were in the house at the time of his death. Their mother has struggled every day since to make this transition as easy and healthy as possible for them. She puts everything she has into her daughters. She is an amazing mother and tries to give all of her extra time and devotion to her children, always playing with them and encouraging their independence. The girls are doing great, and I attribute it completely to their mother.  They live in a slightly undesirable neighborhood with less than average schools, so a lot of their savings to enroll the girls in private schools.


Two boy lost their mother in a house fire.  The boys are 1 and 3. Along with having lost their mother, everything they own is gone. This gift would allow them to specifically buy playthings for the boys and not be fretting about whether or not it's a "necessity." how wonderful it would be for these things to be both fun and enriching.


I am writing on behalf of a stay at home mom with three little girls. They found out a few months ago that one of their children has medical condition and will continue to battle developmental issues throughout her life.   With much therapy and possibly surgeries, she will still have difficulty ever walking or talking.   She has recently started having seizures as well.  Shortly after her initial diagnosis her father had a seizure and a mini-stroke as well.  He is currently recuperating at the hospital.  In all of this, the mom continues to be an amazing mother to her three young children.   I think having this gift certificate for craft and play supplies will really help them out, since the father cannot help and the mom has her hands full with the baby.   



  1. Where are we suppose to email our vote to?!

  2. Good LORD, how are we supposed to choose one? Is there any way to contribute to a fund so that they ALL get something?

  3. Voting for family number 2!

  4. For anyone who needs it, the email address is


  5. All of them! How can we choose? Like SP, can we contribute somehow?

  6. I also really feel family #2 should receive the giveaway, even though my heart goes out to all three families <3

  7. I'm happy to contribute to a gift card for all three families. Paypal will allow people to donate, or if you use Facebook, you can use an app called Fundrazr. I recently used this app to raise over $400 for a memorial donation.

    All that said, my vote goes to family #2.. although they really should all receive something.

  8. family 3-even though all are deserving I cant imagine teh emotional turmoil and strength that woman has every day

  9. We created a Paypal account where those of you who wish to donate may do so....see our new post for details: AN OUTPOURING OF GENEROSITY


  10. Just got my cheque for over $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can make by taking paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself getting paid over $500 for taking paid surveys.
