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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The "Spotlight" on basic skills

We think this is a super fun and fantastic way to teach basic skills through play.  We often track our children's play and let them guide the way, but sometimes when you show them something really cool - they go with it, you throw in a few choice words like "Oh, look - there is a big square, a medium size square, and a small square", and presto - they are learning without even realizing it.  :)

Sorting Colored "wheels" (pasta)


Yellow box - color recognition

big, medium, small (not in that order, but you get the picture)

Corners, left, right, middle
Mixing/Pouring/color recognotion

Ready to play

mixing colors/fine motor skills/gross motor skills/colors/etc

mixing colors - he LOVED this - I think we refilled the bottles at least 15 times!




  1. Great ideas as usual! Thanks so much for sharing. Is there no danger with pouring water over the light box? My 2 year old would definitely spill it everywhere! just wondering how you manage that as would love to try it. Thanks

  2. My question is what do you put on top of the light table to prevent spillage in the light table? I often see the children using liquids, sand and other things. I am just curious.

  3. Its a light panel cover my husband built. I just added it to the MONEY SAVING TIPS post under "The Environment". - AK

  4. I have seen on your site some agate slices that were used on the light table, and I wanted to purchase some. I paid $2.00 for 1 and it is 1 inch and a 1/2. It looks beautiful on the light table but, I want more can you suggest a place to purchase them? Thanks.

  5. Where did you purchase the square light panel? Do you prefer a square or rectangular one? Thanks!


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