To paint on paper use tempera paint and dish soap. I don't have amounts.... we just squeezed a little in with the paint. Makes a nice glossy finish. We also used this on our tin foil painting (I will write a note on this next).
To paint on wood, pinecones, rocks, etc. use tempera paint, dish soap, and glue. Again, I don't have amounts. My daughter just squeezed out what she wanted into a cup. LOL Here is one we did on a Sweet Gumball. There will also be a note on these gumballs with some inspiration I found from Casa Maria.
My son and I just tried to paint on a foil but the result was definitively not that good. He did have fun but it turned out that he had stirred all the colors together in a greyish color... I wish I could post pictures to show you... He actually got better when exploring body painting