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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Art and Light

I have about 10 posts I am working on right now.  They have been in our drafts forever.  I'm going to make this one short and sweet!   It's pretty self explanatory anyway.  

We have painted and colored on the light panel a bunch of times.   I thought I would bring in some more art materials.  My middle girl (24 Months) is not a big art person and she loved this.  Adding a new dimension to art is always fun.  

Pictures are not the best... they were taken with my phone.  

The invitation

Glitter glue, tissue paper, translucent pony beads, translucent bingo chips, translucent shapes, and highlighter tape.  

The paper is translucent vellum. 

The glitter glue gives off a great glow on the light table.  

Adding shapes.

My oldest is tape obsessed.  

24 Month old finished.  

Using highlighters to draw.  

"I made a rectangle, Mommy"



  1. What an awesome idea! Where did you get that glitter glue? That's what that is in the "glue bottles" correct?


    1. Yes. It's from discount school supply. You can see all our art products under "products we love" on the left hand side of blog.

  2. This is such a great idea. Question (and I apologize if this has been addressed in an earlier post): How do you protect the surface of your light table from paint, glue, etc. for all of these fun projects you do?

    Bostonheart: The glitter glue looks like it's from Discount School Supplies. I just ordered some for my daughter last week and she loves it. Beware --the site is addictive! I always end up buying much more than I originally intended...

    1. It all wipes clean off the plexi. I saved a small strip to test on before we try something new. However, so far there hasn't been anything that doesn't come off with a wipe down.

  3. What a great idea! And sorry to add this here but I can't find an email address to contact you with... I am the co-owner of Pin Savvy Social a site that revolves around all things Pinterest. You have such an impressive number of followers and I was wondering if you would ever want to do either a guest post for us or be our guest during a tweet chat? Our site is http://pinsavvysocial.com and you can reach me at fourplusanangel@gmail.com. Thanks!!
