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Monday, October 10, 2011

Submersible Science (bath time fun)

I bought some submersible lights in the floral section at Michaels a few weeks ago.  My son loves putting them in the bath because "there is a light show on the ceiling" when they are under the water - very cool.  A few nights ago I set up something I knew he would love.  Though he already knows his colors, this is a great activity to teach color recognition.  ENJOY!


 jars full of water with the submersible lights inside

 adding yellow color tablets

 blue color tablet

 very cool

 red color tablet


 adding blue to yellow to see what happens


We did this a few times....mixing colors to see what happened.  He loved it.  I had more pictures, but none of them turned out well.  Bath time fun for sure!



  1. This looks fascinating! Just posted it to FB page.

  2. Awesome! I am going to look for the submersible lights. My 2 year old will love this!

  3. What brand/type of submersible lights did you purchase? I got some at JoAnns, they are LED and it was not until after I purchased them (12 lights for $8.50)that I read the package. They are one time use only. So I used them tonight in the bath. My 2year old had a GREAT TIME but I know why they are one time use only now, they won't turn off. they are currently sitting in a cup of rice in hopes I'll get more than one use out of them. Did the brand you bought turn off after they were in the water?

  4. My 21 month old just had her first bath with the color tablets and submersible lights. She kept asking for "blue", when I told her we couldn't use any more blue we had to save some for the next bath, she said "Yellow? Pink?" Up until then I had only ever heard her say the color blue! What a great way to get her involved in experimenting. We LOVED it and look forward to doing more of your activities!

  5. great and cool!! will try this. just wondering whether in my town l can fine this submersible light or not!

  6. Can you put the lights in the bathtub itself with the child? I have never seen these lights and wasn't sure.

  7. How fun!! I will definitely be making a trip to Michael's soon! My daughter would love this! Thank you so much for sharing!
