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Monday, September 5, 2011

Water, Color, Containers, and LIGHT!

We did this months and months ago and I totally forgot to do a post on it.  This is an activity I did in my classroom a lot, but not with a light panel - we would do it on top of white paper so the true colors would show.  My son loves to mix and pour so I knew it would be a huge hit.  Its a great activity to talk about colors, work on motor skills, introduce words such as pour, stir, mix, dropper, etc, and even talk about the principles of water.

All you need are containers - different sizes and shapes, food coloring, droppers, and water.  We refilled these at least 15 times so that he could do it again.  :)







  1. My son would love this! I'm sure you've answered this before, but I haven't been able to find it... where did you find your light table? I'm thinking that one might be in order for a Christmas present this year. Thanks!

  2. Hey guys. I just wanted to say that I loved your Playing with Light article in Rhythm of the Home. I've wanted a light table for sometime, but found they were out of our budget. I found a way to make one inexpensively by adapting an Ikea child's table. I posted on my blog, but if you would like instructions to share with your readers I would be more than happy to share : )
