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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Crazy for Corn!

What a great sensory experience!  There is just something about being almost submerged in corn that is so FUN!  We kept it simple (the way my son likes it), but there are so many ways to get creative with this activity.  For infants it can be simply a sensory experience, an opportunity for speech development, and (of course) an opportunity to connect with your tiny ones through play.  For toddlers and older it can be a sensory activity, you can add cars and trucks like we did, you can add measuring cups, muffin tins, cake pans, bowls, spoons, etc etc., you can hide objects and have them dig for them, etc etc etc.  For even older children you can make it more academic.  Need ideas?  Let me know.


 You need a baby pool.  Its probably best to turn it over and not have a naked toddler underneath!  LOL

 Trucks for play

 TWO 50 pound bags of corn (found at agriculture stores, farm stores, tractor stores)

 Stomping in the corn he told me, "this is fantastic, Mommy".  
"Do you hear that?"
"What is that?" (Me)
"It sounds like a drum, Mommy.  A crunchy drum.  A corn drum."

 He brought the trucks in for a little construction work.

 He took the trucks out.  I asked him why and he told me, "I dont need them.  Its fun to just roll around in it and play".

Jumping in the corn!


  1. That is such a "corny" idea :) Great post! What other ideas do you have here for infants (3 mos)?


  2. But what do you do with it when you're done? Perhaps donate to a local farm?

  3. I plan to just put it in a big storage bin when done - and bring it out another time.

  4. Jenna - There is a photo album on our Facebook page called "Things To Do With Infants" that might give you some inspiration. There is also a tab here on our blog with the same name. - AK

  5. My kiddos would love this! How much was the corn?

  6. we get corn cobs and the kids pluck the kernals off and then play in the corn. It keeps them busy for hours and its free if you know any farmers who will let you walk through their field after harvest and pick up the cobs that fall to the ground

  7. My daughter would love this but I'm curious as well how much the corn costs?

  8. The corn was $11.99 for a 50lb bag. - AK

    When Im done with it, I will probably store it for future use. :)

  9. My kids loved this at the IL State Fair - too bad my farm-raised hubby can't get over the non-ag use of corn :(

  10. Great idea! We've done a bean pool but I didn't fill it so high since they cost more. Will definitely try this this fall or winter! I fear with this is one I will have to supervise a bit more closely with my 3 year old twins.....in order to keep the corn IN the pool, haha.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I use feeder corn in my sensory table for my playgroups. I stored it one year in a rubbermaid containter hoping to use it the next year. When I opened it up, it was moving...magots! I buy new every year now. It's one of our favorite sensory items.

  13. I filled his sand and water table (that comes with a tight top) with the feed corn this past fall and he loved it! I had it outside, so a lot of corn was on the ground and started sprouting!! At the end of fall, mine did got pretty gross so I had to toss it. Great idea!!

  14. If there is a garden in the area, is there a possibility the field mice would also like the corn? Just wondering!
    Please comment whether there is that risk.

  15. Is the corn dusty? I have asthma and had a problem with rice.

  16. I am wondering about the risk of bugs or mice. Because it is winter I want to bring our kiddie pool in to our house, in our unfinished storage area, and fill it with corn. However my husband is worried it would attract mice or bugs.

    1. We had ours in the garage all fall/winter with no bugs or mice. It was not until summer (when we stored the corn) that we got weevils in it. Eeeewwwwwww!!!! AK

  17. I discovered this blog over a year ago and thought it was the coolest thing ever, but didn't have any children yet so I kinda forgot about it till last week. Now I have a 6 month old and I'm excited to try some sensory play with her, she has been really interested in touching/feeling things (like my face, the cat, the dog...) the last few days. Thanks for all the awesome ideas, we'll try this one as soon as I have a chance to get some corn.
