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Monday, August 8, 2011

One man's trash is another man's treasure

We have a space in our play room that hold's my daughter's doll house and play mobil.  This area gets used the most by my 2 year old.  She has a spectacular imagination.  Often, when we are out and about she finds things that she asks to take home.  A few weeks ago she asked me to save the protective cover off my coffee cup.  Without thinking I threw it out.  Later, when we got home she asked me for the cover... I learned my lesson!  

Yes, we will take home this leaf... it may be shade for animals one day.  

Yes, we will take home those "sticky balls"... it may be shelter for a panda one day. 

Yes, you may have my Reece Cup wrapper (LOL) it may be a bed for a duck some day.

Yes, we can save the old doctor's office sticker... it may be a rug for a vet office one day

Yes, you may use a couple baby wipes... they may be beds for a goat and horse some day.

Yes, you can take home that stick... it may be a trough for a pig some day.

This premeditated play is new to me.  It took me a while to "get it".  I'm glad I've opened my eyes to this wonderful world my daughter is taking me to.  



  1. This is great! My three year old is similar with the imagination. I hope my one year old follows suit.

  2. I love it! my daughter uses baby wipes for so many things. but mostly blankies for her ponys.

  3. I love it! We have the same doll house that has been passed down from each of my three girls (7,5,2yo). It has been played with in so many similar ways. Glad it isn't just that way in our house. My youngest in particular will turn anything, especially what I would consider trash, into a toy. Very recently, the paper wrappers to my embroidery thread (two different sizes) became an impromptu mama and baby. They are great because she can put them in her pocket and take them anywhere to play at any time. :)
