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Saturday, August 20, 2011

As Simple As Sand

There is really not much to this post, at least not in the sense of setting up and adding this and that.  We get a lot of posts on our FB page asking for simple ideas.  Well, this is just a little reminder that FUN can be as simple as sand.  My son has really been loving his sand box lately.  Have you ever seen these??  Its blows my mind that anyone would pay $$ for something so easy to create yourself (and with things you probably already have on hand).  With temps in the upper 90s, I thought I would bring his sandbox fun inside.  He played with this for over an hour.  I left it out and it was revisited several times during the day - and its still sitting out (per his request), in anticipation of tomorrow. 


(based on the interest of the child)

 "I need to make a track"

 "They are working, Mommy.  I think they might be repaving a parking lot.  Hmmmmmm....where is the concrete mixer?"  (This made me chuckle because the parking lot of a nearby school is being repaved.)

 His play progressed.  He went and got his airplanes, cars, pirates, and treasure chest.  He kept drawing lines in the sand with his finger and telling me it was a map to the treasure.  :)


  1. I love this page!!!! Thank, thank you! I m teacher for deafblind and blind children!!! I use the lightbox every day

  2. I did this inside with colored sand I found in a clearance bin from michaels. It was a fabulous idea until my 18 month old decides to throw the sand. The vacuum got most of it up, but some is still stuck in the grout in my kitchen tiles. Now I know to put an old blanket or something under the temperware box of sand. Or I need to use my imagination and pretend I'm at the beach everyday from now on!!!

  3. It is so funny that you have those little trucks and sand. I just bought those same trucks for my preschoolers to play with this fall. You always remind me so much of my own teaching practices. It is like you are a kindred spirit!

  4. I used to do this same idea except with my big lasagna pan and snow. My son loved driving his trucks through the snow and digging out stranded Hot Wheels. He would use a baby spoon as a shovel and make tiny snowmen. It was so nice that he could play with the snow without being in the freezing cold. We did have a small plastic swimming pool with sand in it in our kitchen for a while, my then 2 year old would sit and play in the sand while I made dinner and cleaned up the dishes, it kept him near me so that I could get the job done quicker and he had a blast!

  5. Found your sand box on pinterest. I really love the idea of this and wished I would have seen this before now. Sandboxes can be so expensive when you don't have the extra money to buy one (and if you make one - gotta make sure you can cover it because you know cats). My only personal problem would be my kids. While they are great, they do tend to get a little "extreme" sometimes and would have this thing dumped out in a second I turned my back!

  6. So fun! My girlies are 7 and 5, and they'd STILL love this--definitely a project for the upcoming week!
