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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pipes and Gutters

Both RL and I have a set of these WATERWAY PIPES.  RL told me she wanted to let the girls play with pipes in the bath.  So she purchased some suction cups (they have them at the Dollar Tree) and adhered them to her waterway pipes.....

Suction cups glued on to pipe

Let dry

Colorful and FUN!!

The girls LOVED it!!

Pretty awesome, huh??

Its all fun and games until the glue is an epic FAIL!!

Well, that stinks!!  Take note:  hot glue, super glue, epoxy glue.....NONE of those work.  RL told me about the mishap and we brainstormed together.  I was initially under the impression that she used PVC pipes for this and my first thought was - my little man would LOVE that.  So, I started searching for ways to attach suction cups to PVC pipes - gotta love google!  I stumbled upon this post on THE BROODING HEN.  Ah-ha!!  So, we followed her advice.....

I used PVC pipes and a piece of rain gutter - huge hit!

We also love using these BATH TABLETS for an added element of color.

The great thing about these pipes if that we can use them on the PAHM EASEL or on outdoor windows/doors.

- AK & RL


  1. E600 will glue anything! Might consider using a nail file to rough up the plastic on the pipes to get a better grip. Though it looks like you have a great solution :)

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  3. Discovery Toys used to have a product like that! It was just like Marble Works but for the bath called Water Works. Check around for it!

  4. I love that you found my blog through Google! I've used so many of your ideas over the years, that I'm glad to contribute one of mine to you! I think that using the pipes outside on the easel will be amazing. It can also be very fun to run beans or beads or marbles through them, too. -The Brooding Hen
