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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Artkive Giveaway

One of our most frequently asked questions is... What do you do with all of your children's artwork?  We respect our children's wishes when it comes to their work and ask them what they would like to do with it.  Some they save, some they toss, and some they give away.  As you can see from our blog we almost always take a picture of it.  I always tell myself 'oh, I will make a book' -  Ha!  It just never ends up happening with all the 50 million other things we have going on.  I did some research and came across this AWESOME app!  You take a picture with your phone and it is sent to their "cloud".  Once you have 20 images saved you can create a book. You can even take pictures of block/lego creations etc.  To get a better idea of how everything works you can check out their website below...

You can customize by child and age.  You can also add a title and notes.  I usually put what my child wants to name it... I also add a few sentences if they tell me what it's about.  

A finished book

Be sure to check out their video on You Tube as well.

What an awesome present this would be to give to your child one day!  

Currently, they just have books but will add more products later in the year.  

Also, the app is free right now for a limited time!  Don't forget to download it! 

                                  or Apple:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/artkive/id549980508?mt


This is available to our international readers as well!!  

To enter, "Like" Artkive's Facebook page at:

and let them know we sent you! The winner will be chosen at random on Saturday, March 30th. 

They will be giving FOUR $50.00 Artkive Gift Certificates to use in their store!

The $50 winners are: 

Jennifer Meyer Jones
Kelly Smith Nichols
Crystal Clark Brantley
Pam McBride

We decided that because the turnout was so good, we'd also do 10 $10 winners and those are:

Cheera Hibbard
Michelle Beatty
Angelica Amador
Lauren Reizen Canner
Lauren Miller
Dawn Markley
Katrina Breeland
Vanita Shugg
Jade Lakan Terrell
Kathy DeWeese

Each of these winners should contact us at customerservice@thekivecompany.com 

*** This giveaway is in no way sponsored or affiliated with Facebook ****


  1. I did it, but it wouldn't tag your Facebook name. I did leave a comment though.

  2. I tried, but their FB page won't load. :/

  3. I "liked" the page, and left the note that i found them through Play At Home Mom :) Thanks!
    Gisele and kids

  4. Thank you! I liked them and commented on their page. Great idea!

  5. I liked them, and let them know you sent me!

  6. I liked them and let them know who sent me :)

  7. I liked them and let them know you sent me thanks

  8. I liked them and let them know you sent me!!

  9. Liked and wrote a post! Love this app.

  10. Can't wait to try this app! Liked and let them know who sent me:)

  11. I liked and commented! Shortie409@yahoo.com

  12. Thanks! Added the app to my phone, and liked their page!

  13. I liked them too! Great idea and giveaway! Thanks!

  14. So cool! (I "liked" their page, and said you sent me.) Can't wait to try this out! Thanks for this giveaway :)

  15. I liked and let them know you sent me

  16. Likes their page and.commented also
