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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

10 minute glimpse

A lot of you often ask how you keep younger siblings from interfering with older siblings projects/play etc.  I think it's impossible to avoid it at all times, but there are many things we can do to hopefully make the situation go over a little more smoothly.  Here is a 10 minute glimpse into our day on how some of these things are played out.

A little background....

This morning my oldest built a fort and my middle girl had knocked it down.  I ended up setting it back up but my oldest was quite frustrated.  My middle girl also took off all the clothes on the babies... and it was close to lunch/nap time.  I knew their would be some conflict, so I started taping.

You can clearly see my oldest is frustrated and having some big feelings.  She is also pushing my middle girls buttons many times throughout the beginning (pulling her picture apart, calling her naked girl, etc.").... which kinda trickles down into how my middle girl treats my youngest.  You can see the whole mood change in the middle of the video just simply by stating what had happened and talking about it.

Typically, I would be more involved in play.... especially with my youngest instead of video taping.

The video is kinda long but I hope you find it helpful.

Ages here are 4 years, 2.5, and 14 months.

Click on link below to watch video



  1. 3 incredible children being themselves; they are adorable and so calm compared to my 2 year old boy. I love how well they go about their crafts on their own and then how Mia like the googly eyes so much that she wanted to add them for her sister; so cute!

  2. WOW. I can't thank you enough for posting this. What made you think to tape this, and post it? I really admire the way you are able to state facts/narrate in a neutral way (as opposed to sounding too sarcastic or negative, or even too fake-happy or sing-song-y).

    You have just provided a really good parenting lesson! Thank you so much!

  3. I tried watching but it's told me it's been removed by the user???

  4. Can you repost? I would love to watch you in action

  5. I tried to watch too and it said it was removed :(

  6. please repost....if you unsure about posting it please know there is so much i learnt from jsut watching one short video of yours...think it was about being capable.
    Your blog is such an inspiration...im so grateful i have teh opportunity to try these things with my son

    1. I agree with "Life Is Beautiful" above...I gave my little guy a bath shortly after watching your video and I really made an effort to moderate my voice and narrate things the way you did. Your video made a big impact on me!

      Maybe you could do an e-course!

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD6sElbldWU

    1. Hi i see you posted another link. Still not working :(

  8. I copy and pasted the link it plays. Thanks!

  9. Thank you so much for posting this!!
