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Thursday, January 12, 2012

We need your help!!!!!!

We have been getting a lot of emails on certain topics and many of you asking us to write a book. We feel like you are suggesting these things because you want our activities more organized without having to spend hours on the Internet. Which in turn leads to more play with our kids!  We are considering making "documents" to have available to you for a minimal fee. We are talking 1,2, or 3 dollars depending on the content. The document would be sent to your email for immediate download. This would also help us out on email issues of emailing a lot of different people the same thing.  

For instance a sensory document... This would be a combination of our blog posts and Facebook pictures collaborated into one easy reference guide. It would contain pictures, ideas, and play recipes. We could even set it up like our magnet file so you can print magnets or laminate it for your child. 

We would love to hear your responses, opinions, suggestions, and ideas. If there is something you would like to see in a document let us know!  We are asking you this before we just go ahead and do it because we value your opinion. We would not stop posting and blogging like we are doing now. Nothing would change except the addition of these documents.  We would not advertise on our Facebook Page and would just simply add a button in the blog for those of you that want to use this tool. Also, a percentage of the profits would be given back to our "fans" through giveaways. 

Thank you for listening and again we would love your thoughts. 



  1. I think it is a great idea! I am not sure how many I would actually purchase but if it saves me time, gives me more ideas to play and learn with my children then I am all for it! I love all of your ideas and so do my children! Thank you.

  2. That would be amazing! :) Can't wait!

  3. I think a search feature on your site would help a lot.

    1. It's in the upper left corner on the navy bar.

  4. I think this is a good idea, you are right, I could spend hours and hours on this site looking at things.

  5. I would definitely buy them. This may already exist, but any sort of shopping list for the things you use consistently would be great too. I am fairly new to reading this blog and I often feel overwhelmed by the stuff I don't have. Thanks so much!

    1. Same here! I feel like I need so many supplies!

  6. I would buy! Its hard to get hold of this info without spending hours on the internet, or buying an expensive book! It would be great if you could include tips of how you edited and changed activities for different ages and warnings of what we need to be aware of and prepare for!

    Im sure some of your readers would be happy to contribute ideas too ...

  7. Yes! I would love this. Please do :)


  8. I agree that it's a great idea. And like Jana said, I'd love to see a resources file or blog post that lists the most frequently used items you like to keep available, where you purchased them, the recommended age range, how you used them (if different from their obvious uses), etc.

  9. I think that is a fabulous idea! I would definitely like that!

  10. I would definitely be interested in things like that! It's true, it's hard to be on the Internet searching for things. I would love step by step directions for DIY projects. Looking forward to seeing this take shape. Love your blog!

  11. I would love this, especially the printables! You guys share so much from your own life that takes time and resources away from your own families. I still would like a book as something to give as a gift!

  12. I call this website my play bible!! And planned to suggest something to that effect. Or an app or something. I'd pay good money to have access to all your ideas. I'd love a book but printables work too!! You girls have changed me as a mother!!! Thank you!!!

  13. I love this idea! I really love the idea of those "packets" also containing some of the items mentioned in a printable form to use in our own play rooms. Just to check, the topics/pictures would still be available for free in all of the various places on the site/fb, etc...but you would offer "one stop shopping" packets for purchase that are compiled? If so, great!

  14. Have you considered taking on volunteers to help out?

  15. That would be so awesome, I would buy every one! I print out a bunch of your stuff anyway to have on hand when I'm needing some inspiration with the littles, and having them complied and organized so I don't have to search for new activities in various categories would be awesome. I would also be on the waiting list for your book too, just so you know. As far as things that we're interested in, I like the way you have things organized now by material, and would especially love to see an outdoor section. And maybe a compilation of activities that require less expensive materials (homemade light table, creating with things you already have on hand, etc.) I'm also interested in more stuff about the way you guys interact with your kids, positive ways of disciplining, promoting good sibling interaction, etc. Truly----you guys need to write a book! Your ideas are worth more than their weight in gold, thank you thank you for sharing them!

  16. And ditto to Melissa's comment--I asked the same thing on your FB wall, and would love to help in any way I can!

  17. p.s. I'd give up a few dollars for said documents! As much as I love reading blogs, it's good for me to stay away from the computer as much as possible, because goodness gracious I get distracted way too easily. The internet is like this time machine where I'm suddenly transported hours into the future within what seems like seconds. Poof!

  18. I definately think you can have both! Some of my favorite blogs have companion websites with all kinds of stuff on them. Access to printables, homeschool curriculum for sale, etc... Go for it!

  19. Great idea! I would pay with any hesitation! :-)
    This would make organizing activities so much easier!

  20. Great idea! Esp the printables. <3 I'd pay for some, I love to have tactile documents to inspire and remind me of great ideas

  21. I would definitely buy your documents! ;)I love your ideas and putting them in an easy reference format is a great idea!

  22. I love the idea. Have you considered maybe weekly thing, like a subscription service? Emailing a weekly curriculum of sorts, in advance, to appease us and free you up!?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. What a great idea! I would buy every single one!

  25. I would purchase them, but ooooh, please do write a book someday! :)

  26. I love this idea!! If it were organized by age that would be really helpful!

  27. I wouldn't buy them if it was content that was already available on your website. However, I might if there was extra content that wasn't available on the website. I don't use printables much though, so that wouldn't get me to buy though. Maybe if there was more in depth information about the process in each activity, like tutorials for the parents about what these activities are helping our children learn.

  28. I would buy these. I have a 2 year old. It would be helpful if there were instructions and then resources for purchasing the materials. Have the activities labeled by general age - so we don't have to sift through them and determine what would work for our child. I know that every child is different - but the general age.

    And maybe send out (to those that ask for it) a listing of all of the "documents" you have for sale. You could do a simple list by category and age group - like a menu - so that it is easy for people to look down and say - "yep - I want to buy this one and this one" and it is super easy to order - like tag them by number like a Chinese menu. :-) or something like that.

    Excited! I rearranged my playroom today based upon your enviornments post. Fun! (still don't know how you play with paint in a carpeted playroom - but hey!) Cheers!

  29. Last night, I sat down on your blog with a notebook and pencil in hand so I could write out the details without having to get back on the computer to remember all I want to do with my kids. I also made a list on my iphone of the materials I need to buy at The Dollar Tree, drugstore, Home Depot etc. (Oooo. Imagine creating an app for your activities!!)

    Anyway, I would buy this in heartbeat. And create a special binder just for the documents.

    1. The iPhone app would be AMAZING!!! That was a GREAT idea!! believe I would also put the documents in their own special binder!!

  30. Yes, please!! Something like that would be awesome!!

  31. Yes please!!!! I would buy all in a heartbeat!!

  32. Good idea! What about doing things by age?

  33. Yes! Exactly what I want. But I still think you should write a book - your families should financially benefit from all of this amazing work. And think of places like daycare centers being able to use a play at home mom manual. What you do is unique and inspiring and special.

  34. Oh or an app too! Find a publisher fast ;)

  35. Focus your efforts on writing a book. It's so much more special to do that. You can hold it in your hands. I could buy it to give to my friends.

  36. I have two little girls (four year old, and two year old) my 4 yr old has major medical issues as well as developmental and social "opportunities". I have learned more from this site on how to teach, love, and support, both of my children in the past 2 weeks than I have in four years of seeing "specialists", therapists, doctors, and attending conferences. I would rather pay $$$ to have a book that I can reference quickly and easily. This would such an amazing gift that will keep giving for many years to come, especially for moms like me! Thank you for your consideration :)

  37. Kali - That was such a BEAUTIFUL comment to read! THANK YOU.


  39. GREAT IDEA! I would love to be able to flick through your ideas to find an invitation to set up that day rather than search through your archives looking for something that I have the equipment for. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  40. It would be great if the documents would include an age range or an indication of what would be good for infant, toddler, etc.

  41. I just found your website and am so impressed! I would love to have a quick reference for activities, especially since I have so much reading to catch up on now! A book would be amazing as well. Thank you so much for putting forth this effort!

  42. I would LOVE for you to do that, I will buy them all!!
    I haven't read the posts, so I am sorry if I am duplicating any ideas. Of course I would like to see all the sensory, light etc. play ideas, but here are some other things I would love to see.

    - Age specific ideas in one document, under a year, 12-18, 18-24, 2+, 3+, etc...
    - Your suggestions for making things accessible to the kids, things they can do themselves, like I love the mini fridge and accessible snacks, the closet lay out and the shoe holders in the play room. Ideas like that to help our kids feel empowered.

    Looking forward to them!
