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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

3 Little Pigs... Taking it a step further

My 22M old LOVES the story of The Three Little Pigs.  She got the felt board story and book for Christmas.  My oldest was playing with her play pig figures when she asked if we could make houses for the pigs like in the story.  Of course the answer was YES!  

When I asked them what they wanted to use for the straw house my 22 month old ran over and grabbed her straws from her play doh area.  Too funny!  

They used sticks and tree blocks for the stick house and melissa and doug blocks for the brick house.  

I asked my oldest what she wanted to use for the wolf.  "Let's make one out of play-doh!"  

Our wolf.  

He huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!  

My oldest said we needed to start a fire.  She grabbed some sticks for fire wood and crinkled up some paper.  She then asked to light it!  LOL  Now that was on thing I had to give an alternative too.....

We lit a candle instead. 

Taking it all in.  :-) 

"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral." -  Antoine de Saint-Exupery



  1. I love bringing books to life-how fun!

  2. Love this! My 25 mo loves this story too! He's been reenacting the story on his Lego table. The straw and stick houses are legos that aren't clicked in so that he can literally blow down the houses! Anyway, I wanted to make him a felt board for Valentines's day. Where do you get your felt books?

  3. What a fun way to bring a story to life!

  4. They have battery powered tealights at the dollar tree that they could use for the fire! Fun!
