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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sticks-n-Stuff (magnetic board fun)

My son loves his magnet board and I was thinking of a way to make it more creative - rather than the store made magnetic accessories he already has.  I used some recycled materials and other things that my son chose himself.  Its a simple idea and activity, but it lead to about an hour of play and creativity.  Enjoy!


 Tops from containers, gems, popsicle sticks, magnet strip, scissors, super glue

I also used magnetic circles (for the gems).  I super glued these on the night before because I didnt want my son accidentally sticking his fingers together.

Super glue magnetic circles on gems

 Items added to board

 "I made a house"  (he asked me to help him make a house and I facilitated without taking over)

 "Its a flower and a house"

 "Now its a sunshine and a house."

 "I need to make a propeller and an airplane."

 "Look, Mommy, its an AIRPLANE with a propeller"  (this he did on his own)

You can even form letters (I did this after he was done playing to show a more "academic" alternative)



  1. Did you make your own magnetic board?

  2. at our county fair they had those plastic gears glued to magnets- my son spent forever playing with these. Just another idea! Thank you for all of your!!!

  3. Lovely! I'd also like to know if you made your own magnetic board. It looks awesome :)

  4. this looks easy and so fun! i have more than enough random stuff around the house. thanks for the ideas!

  5. Yes, I made my own magnet board (well, my husband made it). Its framed sheet metal. I got the magnet strip from Michaels (I think they have them at Walmart as well). - AK

  6. Wouldn't it be great to add those little pipecleaners!?

  7. Where did you get the board? Like the sheet metal?

  8. We got the sheet metal from ACE Hardware and my husband just framed it with some trim. - AK

  9. just bought a magnetic dry-erase board for $3 (2'x2') on clearance! Thinking Christmas present with some homemade magnets! :)
