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Friday, September 30, 2011

Halloween Skills

I set up this activity for my son....not knowing if he would accept it.  He did....and he LOVED it!  This activity is multifaceted in that it is good for fine motor skills, recognition, sorting, problem solving, etc.  I bought the small glass jars from Michaels (in the wedding section) and the Halloween gems are also from Michaels.  I used sticky tacky  (you can get this at Walmart, Michaels, etc) to attach the items to the jars.  I left the lids on to encourage motor skills (he had to unscrew the tops - easy for him), and I intentionally put extra gems out so he would have to do some critical thinking and problem solving.  When he filled the jars up too full and the lids would not fit, he had to problem solve - and he did!


 a closer look

 sorting BATS

 unscrewing the lid

 sorting purple gems

 putting lid back on

 sorting orange gems

(sooooo many things you can do!)

 LETTERS.....or......CHILD'S NAME!!  (and no, this is not my son's name)
(letter jewels)



  1. Awesome! Have you ever looked into the container store? I bet you would have a field day there!


  2. Thanks for all the fun ideas. I'm not sure if you've done it before because I'm kinda new here, but the other day I pulled out our blacklight and had the girls draw on black construction paper with neon crayons. VERY FUN!

  3. where do you find a blacklight or a light table? it is so COOL! i love it! and i am linking lots of your ideas to my blog- you are amazing!

  4. @Jenna - Um.....YES! Love that store!!! I have issues. LOL LOL LOL

    @Nutty Mom - We have tons of black light activities under "Adventures in the Dark". So fun!

    @Keri - This is the Ultra Thin Portable Light Panel from Constructive Playthings web site.

    - AK

  5. These could also be used to make a snow globe! Glue a figure to the lid, the kids fil the jar with gems, glitter, colored water, etc. screw on lid and turn upsidedown! <3
