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Friday, July 8, 2011

Edible ABCs and 123s

This is a great activity for letter recognition....and a fun way to beat the heat on a hot summer day!  I bought these molds from Amazon.com.  For this batch, I wanted to make them edible, so I used -

  • the juice of 6 lemons
  • 3/4 C heavy cream
  • 1/4 C sugar
  • 1/4 C water
I poured the mixture into separate containers and added food coloring for color variations, poured into the molds, and froze them overnight.

My son is only 2, and I dont typically skips steps in the learning process, so we really only talked about letter names and sounds during this activity.  He actually has NO interest in letters, so I dont force it - but I try to mention the name and sound of the letter when I can.  (I think he knows more than he lets on, though.  LOL)  A GREAT idea, that I will try in the future, is to incorporate the ice bricks.  You can add tiny objects to the bricks that have the beginning sounds of the letters - when the child hammers out an object, he matches it to the ice letter!  FUN!  I think its important for my son to have the prerequisite skill of letter SOUNDS before we tackle beginning sounds - but Im sooooooo looking forward to that activity - NEXT summer - LOL.  :)

- AK

Letter/Number molds


  1. This is why it's so important (and yet so hard) to not compare children.
    My little guy is only a few months older (he'll be 3 in August) and he is 100% into letters. He loves potting the ones he knows when we drive places, and similar activites.

    Yet, your little boy has no problems getting messy. Mine really does.

    Ah, the beauty that is our children. Each one is unique and develops differently :-)

  2. *pointing out not potting out.

    Also, as I re-read this, I realised it sounded not at all how I meant. I meant this to be like "You can't put kids on a time table. They like what they like when they like it and you just have to follow their lead"

  3. where did you get the letter molds??? this activity is right up my nearly 3 year olds alley... He LOVE letters and numbers...

  4. Senorita Tortuga - I was not offended and I completely agree....they are all so different. I used to incorporate letters into our play more often, but he really hated it - LOL - and I never put pressure on him, I made it fun...like hiding them in the sand and going on a hunt for them, or the fishing ABC game, etc - he just hated it, so I backed off. I know he will show interest at some point - and I think he knows more than I know he knows, because there are days where he will identify many letters - but if I ASK him what a letter is - forget about it, no response. He can tell you what ever power tool, hand held tool, and lawn maintenance machine known to mankind is, though. LOL

    Crafty Momma - amazon.com

  5. Can you please post what you searched for? I did a quick search on Amazon and didn't find it. Thanks!



  7. I just had bought the letter and number molds from Amazon. I was going to melt some crayons and make chunky ABC and l23's crayons for my little guy and the grands.

    Thanks for the idea, but I will have to find something to do that does not include dairy.
