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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Squirt Squeeze Spray... Pump Pour Press

I had originally set this invitation up for my 17M old while she was napping.  She loves dumping, pouring, recently discovered how much she could squeeze out of her toothpaste tube, and took a great liking to the hand soap pump.  SO..... playing off her interests... I gathered up some containers I had around the house, filled them with water, and added a little bit of liquid watercolors to them.  My 2 year old caught a glimpse of it and it was downhill from there!  LOL  She actually REALLY enjoyed this.  :-)


The invitation

She went for the soap dispenser first.

Spray Bottle

Ketchup Bottle

Gallon jug

Squirt gun

Round 2 wasn't as pretty as everything was a lovely brown color.  LOL  However,  it was interesting to see her communication with me from Round 1 to Round 2, 3 etc.  The first time around she didn't say anything.  She just quietly experimented with the different bottles etc.  Round 2 was quite different!  

"Mommy, would you like to hear the bubbling sound?  This one makes a bubbly sound."

Talking away... telling me all about her discoveries.  :-)  LOVE her expressions.  <3

"This sounds like.... (puzzled look)... someone is peeing! (chuckle)  I want to do the pee one again!  Someone just peed, Mommy"  Gotta love them!  

"I think we can add some to this one maybe.  This one makes a little bubbly sound because it's little."

17M old woke up from her nap.  She couldn't wait to join in.   Looking a little rough!  She hasn't been feeling well these past few days.  :-(  

"These sound like cymbals.  Hear the cymbals, Mommy?"


  1. Awesome activity! Where did you get the great water table?

  2. Thank you. I purchased it at Discount School Supply. You can see it under the products we love... http://playathomemom3.blogspot.com/2011/06/discount-school-supply-products-we-love.html

  3. This is just so fun, cool, and playful. Love the skills, exploration, and learning. :) Kristi

  4. Your blog is great. Thanks for sharing such wonderful activities. I found you via http://www.apurposedrivenhome.com/blog-love-play-at-home-mom/ and am now following you on Facebook.

  5. I love this! I cannot WAIT to try it with the hooligans!

  6. That looks SO fun! I kind of want to play, too! I did lots of fun things with my girlies when they were toddlers, so I don't feel guilty or anything, but it's one of those activities that I look at and think, "Man, they would have LOVED that!"

  7. I think you should use only certain bottles, some look like medicine bottles or chemical bottles. It seems to give a false message of what contains in the bottle is ok to play with. Example you have a trigger spay bottle, could have some cleaning solution or eye dropper that may contain medicine. Pop bottles, juice bottles of some sort would be fine.
